Manpower Consultants in Jordan

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Manpower Consultants in Jordan

Jordans manpower requirements are different from Saudi Arabia, Egypt,  Israel, Iraq and other countries of Middle East. With its limited natural resources Jordan has always given significance to developing a very skilled human resource. MM Enterprises recruitment consultancy has been instrumental in providing highly skilled professional manpower to organisations in Gulf and Middle East.  We handle manpower requirements of all sizes and in a wide spectrum. (Popular Industries we serve)


”Jordan has long concentrated on improving its educational and health standards, thereby strengthening a rising tide which lifts not only the Jordanian economy—due to a skilled and healthy labor force—but also the general quality of life for all citizens of the Kingdom.” - King Hussein (Via Website)


MME specializes in these two requirements that are now the driving force of Jordan's economy and society

Our talented Doctors, Nurses and other healthcare professionals are not only employed in top hospitals and research centres of Asia, but also in Australia, Singapore and United Kingdom. Similarly we our database of able and experienced professors, school teachers, research analyst, engineers is waiting to be tapped by employers from Amman, Madaba, Petra and other Jordanian cities. Contact us today for more information about our services or post your requirement here for FREE.